Friday, December 11, 2009

Survivor's Guilt

Thought for tonight:

Is there such a thing as survivor's guilt?

When first read it seems to be an easy answer, and I think so at times there is cause for survivor’s guilt. Often times when I look to my not so distant past I feel guilty about missed opportunities. I've wasted time and energy, that it would have been so much easier to skip the all night binge sessions and other self destructive behaviors. Then considering all the facts, to be here today, it had to happen that way. If not, today would not be happening, tomorrow would not exist, and yesterday would be all that I know. So yes we should feel guilty if we are too foolish to look up from the now and say to ourselves, "Self, maybe you might not want to do this." If we can look to the future and ensure that there will be no more stolen breaths, then we need not look to the past with shame and remorse. We are growing, learning, and thinking...

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